The history of their Oneness University.

March 7, 1949:  Sri Bhagavan Kalki is born
Bhagavan's birth in the small village of Nattham, in the district of Tamil Nadu, southern India, was said to have been celebrated by the entire village.

August 15, 1954:  Sri Amma is born
Amma was born in the village of Sangam in Andhra Pradesh, southern India.  The eighth child in her family, she was considered by some of the village elders to be an incarnation of the mother Goddess.

June 9, 1976:  Amma and Bhagavan are married
As they were joined together in wedlock in the large, metropolitan city of Chennai in southern India, many of the wedding guests are said to have felt the Divine Presence that filled the ceremonies.  Several even reported having mystical experiences.
Today their wedding anniversary is celebrated worldwide as "World Day of Relationships."  It's a day to honor all relationships.  Amma Bhagavan feel that discovering love and setting right your relationships can put you on a fast track for achieving self-realization.

1984:  AmmaBhagavan open their spiritual school
Jeevashram was originally founded as a school to help students awaken to their complete selves.  In actuality, it became a foundation for world awakening, and produced their first disciples.

July 19, 1989:  The Golden Ball descends
The new age of enlightenment began at the Jeevashram school when one of the young students had the experience of Oneness after the Golden Ball of deeksha energy descended into him.

September 4, 1995:  The first monks were appointed
In the beginning there were ten who answered the Divine call to serve humanity and agreed to become monks.  Today this order of dasas, teachers, and helpers at the Oneness University now number about 200, nearly all of whom have been blessed with full enlightenment by AmmaBhagavan.

March 10, 2002:  The Oneness University is founded
Nestled against lovely, mountain foothills in southern India, the Oneness University was established with the vision to “set man free.”  Sri Bhagavan chose this area because of the high, spiritual energies already naturally inherent in the region.  This spiritual field, conducive to healing, is created by the powerful ley lines that intersect at this powerpoint on Earth.

August 2-8, 2003:  Experience Festival took place
This now renowned festival was a gathering of teachers and spiritual seekers from all over the world, and was co-sponsored by Sri Bhagavan's Golden Age Foundation.  Kiara Windrider was one of the teachers invited to speak at this festival, and the widely publicized recounting of his resulting experiences incited many readers to seek their own enlightenment at the Oneness University.

January, 2004:  The 21 Day Process first began (Level I)
In this powerful three week course held at the Oneness University, the initial attendees began their journey into Oneness.

March 27, 2004:  The power to give deeksha is given
The Oneness Movement truly begins as AmmaBhagavan not only take those attending this and all subsequent 21 Day Process courses into enlightened states, but also initiates them with the power to enlighten others through the energy transfer called deeksha (Oneness Blessing, or diksha).

February, 2005:  The 10 Day Deepening Process begins (Level II)
This special course for graduates of the 21 Day Process (now called Level I) helps those who attend to move faster through the enlightenment process towards full God-realization.

April 22, 2008:  The Oneness Temple is consecrated
After 7 years of construction, the Oneness Temple is opened to the masses.  Amma Bhagavan officiated at the ceremony and imbued it with the Golden Ball of Divine Grace.  This sacred building now constantly radiates these awakening energies to all of humanity "to set"

December 3, 2009:  Oneness Trainers can initiate Blessing-Givers
With the purpose of spreading the mission of the Oneness Movement even faster, Sri Bhagavan gave the ability to initiate Blessing-Givers to Oneness Trainers around the world.

March, 2010:  Mukti Deeksha made available worldwide
Oneness Trainers were granted permission to include the Mukti Deeksha in their courses.  This sacred deeksha is designed to raise a person's consciousness into full Awakening, and even beyond, to God-Realization

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